
“The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight.” - John Berger, Ways of Seeing, 1972.
As suggested by Berger, the relation between seeing and knowing shifts as often as the world turns. As time ebbs and flows, what we see and what we know fluctuates, too. Art offers us an encapsulation of an individual’s ‘way of seeing’, a manifestation of their knowledge during a specific time. Hence, following an artist’s body of work allows us to follow their journey, guiding us through their understanding of our world. 
Introduced as promising artists with distinct identities through our annual Ways of Seeing show, Momentum follows the creative progression of five emerging artists. Participating artists are Faiz (Fafa) Mahdon, Mazlan Samawi, and Nia Khalisa from 7 Ways of Seeing in 2021, as well as Binti and Syahmi Syazwin from 6 Ways of Seeing in 2022. Momentum aims to provide an opportunity to catch up with these emerging artists as they continue to cultivate their individual bodies of work.