CULT Gallery is a private art gallery showcasing modern and contemporary art from Malaysia and the Asian region. It invites visitors to see things differently. Specifically, it aims to bring new perspectives through the eyes of Asian artists handpicked for their distinctive styles, concepts and strong visual language.


Nestled within the green foliage and tucked away from the feverish haste, the gallery houses a collection of noteworthy artworks, mostly pieces by budding and promising artists. It’s no surprise that Suryani Senja Alias, the brain behind CULT, is an ardent supporter who provides young artists with a sanctuary to grow and showcase their talent.


Audiences and collectors, they’d love and buy artwork because it strikes a chord. But not everyone is a visual person and not every artist is articulate enough to share their stories. So, CULT Gallery plays a role in conveying what an artwork can potentially mean, translating them, hoping to be the bridge that links the emotional attachment in both the artist and the audiences.


We are uniquely positioned to help buyers and collectors make a difference in ensuring that your art is a reflection of what is important to you – something meaningful and can also be deeply spiritual.